Privacy Policy

Çapkin van Alphen/Van Alphen Visuals does not sell or rent information about our customers to any third parties. All information supplied to us, including your name and email address, is used for internal purposes only, in order to stay in touch and inform you of the latest news, promotions and updated website information. We may also use your account information to personalize emails sent to you and the services offered to you. Your website activity is anonymously recorded in order to improve the functionality of the site and our service. Any payment information submitted to Çapkin van Alphen/Van Alphen Visuals is retained in a secure offline database.
Cookies are used by the website only to establish your user ID when you login to the site so you do not have to resubmit your user ID and password. A cookie is a small file that is downloaded from this site into your hard drive automatically. You have the option to accept or decline cookies when you visit our website.
Çapkin van Alphen/Van Alphen Visuals will periodically send emails and updates that may be of interest to you. Your information is specifically processed to manage your customer account, as well as occasionally sending you marketing emails informing you of our latest collections, website updates, trade events, or send seasonal greetings. The responsibility of processing this data is only via Çapkin van Alphen/Van Alphen Visuals. If you do not wish to receive these emails, please contact us and you will be removed from future lists.
From 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect. This requires us to review and update our email subscription records.
If you decide at any time to unsubscribe from our email list, there are three ways you can be removed:
- Click the reply button on any email from us and type 'Unsubscribe' in the subject line.
- Email "" (be sure to include the email address you wish to have removed and allow 72 hours for removal).
- "Contact Us" at any time and ask to be removed from our list.
Your privacy is important to us. Whichever way you choose, as soon as we get the word from you, we'll remove you from our list.
Security Guarantee
This website has a secure setting by using the 'https' communication protocol and industry-standard SSL (secure socket layer) encryption technology. This site is hosted by Photodeck, to review their Privacy Policy details click on the link here: